Distress Line & Tel-Check

Image of a person looking upset. They are sitting with their hands on their head, wearing a yellow sweater.

Distress Line

Distress Line is a confidential call-in service for folks seeking help and support in times of distress, or who just want to talk. Our empathetic Distress Line volunteers are available from 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM 7 Days a week to help talk through whatever situation is causing your concern.

Distress line can be reached by phone at 1‐888‐347‐8737 or by clicking the button below.

If you need to speak with someone outside these hours and/or are experiencing an emergency, please contact 911 or make your way to the nearest emergency room and ask to speak with the crisis nurse.

Image of someone smiling widely on the phone. They are wearing a blue pattered shirt.


Tel-Check is a phone check-in service that provides a daily telephone call to older adults, seniors, and persons with disabilities.

These calls provide folks with social connection, emotional support and can help ensure their safety by providing medication reminders and daily reasons to answer the phone.

To make a referral for Tel-Check service call 519-336-3000 or click the button below.